硅膠 Silicone
A、 雙組分加成固化硅膠 Addition Cure
型號 Product | 性能描述 Primary Benefits | 特性指標 Characteristics |
RTVS 8127LV | 低粘度,易澆注的灌封材料,高導熱性,簡單的混合比,UL94V-0認證,廣泛應用于精密電子、電氣產品的灌封、密封上。 Low viscosity, Easily pourable pottingmaterial,Features high thermal conductivity, convenient mix ratioand has aUL Flame Rating of 94V-0, useful for pottingdelicateelectronic/electrical parts. | 深灰色Dark Gray 粘度 Viscosity:4,000cps 硬度 Hardness:60A 混合比 Mix Ratio:1:1 |
RTVS 3-95-1 | 極高的導熱性和絕緣性,優良的高溫運用范圍,UL94V-0認證,能滿足電子機械和航天、航空工業的需要。 Extremely highly thermal conductivityanddielectric strength, excellent for high temperature, has a ULFlameRating of 94V-0, useful in electric, mechanical andairborne,aerospace industry. | 紅色Red 粘度 Viscosity:10,000cps 導熱率 Thermal Conductivity:1.442w/m.K 耐溫 Service Temperature:260℃ |
RTVS 61 | 低粘度,自熄性,用于零件的粘合與防震需要,極高的透明高使得密封材料的檢查和修復顯而易見。 Low viscosity, Self-extinguishing RTVSiliconecompound, used in situations where component identificationandvibration shock protection is needed, The transparencypermitsvisual inspection for easy identification and repairofencapsulated parts. | 透明Transparent 粘度 Viscosity:4,500cps 硬度 Hardness:35A 混合比 Mix Ratio:1:1 |
RVTS920 | 低粘度,室溫固化成透明凝膠,固化后的凝膠對于精密電子組件有著良好的機械緩沖和減振作用,且具有低溫性能。 Low viscosity, cures at room temperature toatransparent gel, The cured gel state provides excellentmechanicalcushioning and vibration damping for delicateelectronicassemblies. | 透明Transparent 粘度 Viscosity:750cps 混合比 Mix Ratio:1:1 耐溫 Service Temperature: -115℃~200℃ |
RTVS 570 | 低粘度,易澆注的灌封材料,并在不需要底涂的情況下能獲得較好的粘接性,操作時間長,耐高溫,需加熱固化。 Low viscosity, Easily pourable pottingmaterial,With the ability to develop good adhesion to mostsubstrateswithout the use of a primer, Has a long working time andhightemperature resistance, Cure at elevatedtemperature. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:3,000cps 混合比 Mix Ratio:1:1 操作時間 Working Tme:24小時 |
B、 雙組分縮合固化硅膠 Condensation Cure
型號 Product | 性能描述 Primary Benefits | 特性指標 Characteristics |
RTVS 42 CurtisⅡ | 獨特的低粘度硅酮化合物,能與大多數金屬及膠料進行良好的粘接并具有獨特的低溫性能,是專業為高溫、低吸水性、高絕緣性設計制造的。 It’s unique chemistry combines the lowtemperatureperformance characteristics heretofore found only insilicones withthe excellent encapsulating properties of epoxies,formulated towithstand severe thermal shock, low moistureabsorption andexcellent dielectric insulation. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:16,000cps 硬度 Hardness:75A 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~125℃ |
RTVS 11 | 低粘度,有著出色的電氣性能,廣泛地應用為高壓灌封化合物和精密電路密封化合物,可與多種催化劑使用,可改變灌膠時間、固化時間、混合比率以及固化條件。 Low viscosity, Excellent electricalproperties,Used extensively as a high voltage potting compound aswell as anencapsulating compound for delicate circuitry, Can beused withvarious curing agents, thus varying pot life, cure time,mix ratiosand cure conditions. | 白色White 粘度 Viscosity:12,000cps 硬度 Hardness:45A 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~204℃ |
RTVS 49 | 易澆注的RTV硅膠灌注化合物,高導熱,固化成穩固又有彈性的橡膠體,能持續耐溫260℃,短時間耐溫315℃,用于需散熱的電子設備。 Pourable RTV Silicone potting/casting compoundwithhigh thermal conductivity, Cures to firm but flexiblerubber,capable of withstanding temperatures of 260℃ continuous and315℃short term exposure, uses in electronic devices requiringheatdissipation. | 紅色Red 粘度 Viscosity:50,000cps 硬度 Hardness:75A 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~260℃ |
RTVS 16 | 通用灌封密封化合物,可用來保護電子元器件、組件以及精密系統等,有著優良的電氣性能,低溫彈性高溫堅固,可根據不同的固化情況來選擇固化劑。 Multi-purpose casting/encapsulating, pottingandsealing compound, used successfully to protectelectroniccomponents, assemblies and delicate systems, Exhibitsexcellentelectrical properties, low temperature flexibility andhightemperature stability, A variety of catalysts are availablefordifferent cure situations. | 紅色Red 粘度 Viscosity:20,000-30,000cps硬度 Hardness:60A 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~260℃ |
RTVS 51 | 低溫彈性,易澆注的RTV密封硅膠,可與多種固化劑使用,可改變灌膠時間、固化時間、混合比率以及固化條件。 Low temperature flexible, easily pourableRTVSilicone sealant/encapsulant, can be used with a wide varietyofcuring agents, thus varying pot life, cure time, mix ratiosandcure conditions. | 淡黃色或白色Buff or White 粘度 Viscosity:12,000 硬度 Hardness:50A 耐溫 Service Temperature: -115℃~232℃ |
環氧樹脂 Epoxy
A、 雙組分環氧樹脂 Two-Part Systems
型號 Product | 性能描述 Primary Benefits | 特性指標 Characteristics |
Insulcast 116FR | 易澆注的灌封材料,簡單的混合比率,UL94V-0認證,廣泛應用于通常的設計與制造。 Easily pourable casting material, theconvenientmixing ratio, has a UL Flame Rating of 94V-0, for generalpurposecasting and impregnation. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:8,100cps 硬度 Hardness:75D 混合比 Mix Ratio:1:1 |
Insulcast 333(9) | 低粘度,具有自熄特點易澆注的環氧樹脂灌封密封化合物,UL94V-0認證,用于精密組件的灌封密封上。 Low viscosity, self-extinguishing, easilypourable,epoxy potting/casting compound, which is recognized underthecomponent program of Underwriters Laboratories'' Flame Class94V-0,used for delicate assemblies. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:3,000cps 硬度:85D 耐溫 Service Temperature:155℃ |
Insulcast 140 (9) | 高粘度,高填充環氧樹脂,有著良好的電氣性能,高導熱,低熱膨脹。 High viscosity, highly filled epoxyformulationwhich, in addition to having excellent electricalproperties, hasunusually high thermal conductivity with lowthermalexpansion. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:12,000cps 硬度 Hardness:90D 混合比 Mix Ratio:100:3-4 導熱系數:10BTU-in/(ft2)(hr)(℉) |
Insulcast 501 (9) | 無填充料的環氧樹脂,透明,低粘度,通用的涂覆灌注材料,有著優良的物理及電氣性能。 Unfilled clear epoxy with low viscosity forgeneralpurpose casting and impregnation, exhibiting excellentelectricaland physical properties. | 透明Clear 粘度 Viscosity:3,000cps 硬度 Hardness:85A 耐溫 Service Temperature:105℃ |
Insulcast 504 (8) | 無填充料、高透明、極低粘度的環氧樹脂灌注材料,具有優良的物理、電氣性能。 Very low viscosity, Unfilled clear epoxyresincasting or impregnating material, has excellent physicalandelectrical properties. | 透明Clear 粘度 Viscosity:175-200cps 硬度 Hardness:75-80D 耐溫 Service Temperature:105℃ |
Insulcast 985FR | 半彈性、中高粘度、阻燃環氧化合物,具有出色的抗熱沖擊性能,運用了***的聚合物與填充技術,在較大的溫度范圍內也能保持良好的電氣性能。 Semi-flexible, moderate viscosity, flameretardantepoxy compound displaying the best thermal shockresistancecurrently available in an epoxy compound, as well asexcellentelectrical properties over a wide range of temperature,Insulcast985FR makes use of the latest polymer andfillertechnology. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:50,000cps 硬度 Hardness:70D 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~155℃ |
Insulcast 986 | 半彈性加熱固化環氧化合物,在很大的溫度范圍內都能保持良好的物理、電氣性能。 Semi-flexible, heat cure epoxy compoundthatexhibits excellent electrical and physical properties over awiderange of temperatures. | 透明Clear 粘度 Viscosity:6,000cps 硬度 Hardness:65D 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~155℃ |
Insulcast 987 | 半彈性灌封化合物,在很大的溫度范圍內都能保持良好的物理、電氣性能。 Semi-flexible, potting compound thatexhibitsexcellent electrical and physical properties over a widerange oftemperatures. | 顏色Neutral 粘度 Viscosity:60,000cps 硬度 Hardness:65D 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~155℃ |
Insulcast 1751 | 低成本,易使用的室溫固化環氧灌封化合物,簡單的混合比,固化后形成堅固的塑膠體可滿足大多數電子、電氣的灌封密封需要。 Low cost, easy to use room temperature curingepoxypotting and casting compound, with a mix ratio of 1 to 1 byvolume,the cured epoxy is a tough rigid plastic that is highlysuited tomost electrical or electronic potting andencapsulatingapplications. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:17,000cps 體積比 Mix Ratio:1:1 硬度 Hardness:70D |
Insulcast 3230LV | 低粘度,高填充環氧樹脂,有著出色的電氣性能,高導熱性,低熱膨脹,比Insulcast140的粘度更低。 Low viscosity, highly filled epoxyformulationwhich, in addition to having excellent electricalproperties, hasunusually high thermal conductivity with low thermalexpansion,similar to Insulcast 140 but lowerviscosity. | 黑色Black 粘度 Viscosity:6,000cps 硬度 Hardness:90D 耐溫 Service Temperature:105℃ |
B、 單組分加熱固化環氧樹脂 One-Part Systems (Heat Cured)
型號 Product | 性能描述 Primary Benefits | 特性指標 Characteristics |
Insulcast 771 | 透明的低粘度單組分加熱固化環氧樹脂,堅硬,高抗熱性。 Clear, low viscosity, one-component, rigid,heatcure epoxy system which exhibits highheatresistance. | 透明Black 粘度 Viscosity:700cps 硬度 Hardness:88D 耐溫:-40℃~155℃ |
Insulcast 781 | 透明的單組分加熱固化環氧,彈性,專為低粘度、*小熱壓的灌封澆注要求而設計。 Clear, one-component, flexible, heat cureepoxysystem designed for coil impregnation, and pottingapplicationsrequiring low viscosity and minimal thermalstress. | 透明Clear 粘度 Viscosity:1,350cps 硬度 Hardness:40D 耐溫 Service Temperature: -55℃~155℃ |